How do I become a tour guide with the club?
First of all join our mailing list (on the home page)! We’ll keep you up to date with any new training sessions coming up. If you’ve missed the training session, try posting on the Facebook page asking if anybody would be willing to let you shadow them or train you.
When is tour guide training offered?
Tour guide training is offered at the beginning of each semester.
Do I need to give tours to be involved with the club?
Nope! You don’t have to be a tour guide if you don’t want to. We have plenty of events you can volunteer at or attend with us instead. You can also join us in room 200 of the museum for our office hours.
Do I have to give tours every Sunday?
Also nope! Being a tour guide is as much of a commitment as you want it to be. Come in whenever you want.
I am interested in collaborating my own student club with the Redpath Museum Club, where should I start?
Email us at [email protected] !
Is the club open to all students?
Of course! We have members of all kinds, from students in their first year as undergrads, to PhDs, to professors.
How can I stay informed with the club’s events?
Join our mailing list and follow our Facebook page.
I have been trained to be a tour guide and would like to sign up for shifts. How do I do that?
Sign up for tour guide shifts on the Google Docs posted on the Facebook page.
Do you have any annual events?
We most certainly do! Our most famous events are, of course, the flashlight tours during Nuit Blanche, Murder Mystery Nights, and our annual Gala, which may be where you found out about us.